Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2013 Movies

In 2013 I also decided to keep a running list of all of the "new" movies that I watched.  A majority of these were seen in theater, but some of them were rentals.  Unfortunately, I did not keep track of which was which for 2013.  I simply kept a running list of the movies I saw.  For 2014 I would like to expand on this project, including where I saw the movie (theater, netflix, rental, etc) and my impressions of it.  It should make it a much more interesting read and project than this list.  I watched 27 new movies, which is about 1 every 2 weeks, which I think is pretty good.  I'm sure we'll sit at about the same number for next year.  Here is my list for 2013.

Life of Pi 
The Croods
Star Trek: Into Darkness
Man of Steel 
Warm bodies 
Hansel & Gretel
Identity Thief
Escape from Planet Earth
Jack the Giant Slayer
Burt Wonderstone
Iron Man 3
Despicable Me 2
World War Z
Ender's Game
The World's End
The Heat
Monsters University
Thor: The Dark World
Olympus Has Fallen
Hangover 3
Man of Steel
Hobbit 2
Walking with the Dinosaurs 

2013 Books

This year I decided to try something new, so I took the time to track all of the books that I read this year.  It was an interesting progression to watch, and I am definitely going to repeat it again for 2014. For 2013 I just kept a list of the books in order as I read them, so it's not a very exciting post.  I think for 2014 I will try to describe the story briefly and my feelings about the book.  We'll see how that goes.  Overall, I read 29 books last year, which isn't terrible considering all I had on my plate.  This year I would definitely like to increase that number. My goal is 40, but I would love to actually have a book a week, so 52 by 1/1/15.  We'll see how that goes!  So, without further ado, here is the list of books that I managed to read in 2013.

Steamscape by Deb Dalton
Seeing Red by Frank Bedder
Hunting the Snark by Mainak Dhar
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
A Brief History of the Druids by Peter Berresford Ellis
Being a Pagan:  Druids, Wiccans, and Witches Today by Ellen Everett Hopman
Deadland: Untold Stories of Alice in Deadland by Mainak Dhar
Discord's Apple by Carrie Vaughn
Grimoire of the Lamb by Kevin Hearne
World War Z by Max Brooks
All Things Impossible by D.  Dalton 
Heart-shaped Box by Joe Hill 
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Phantoms of the North by Mainak Dhar
God Touched by John Conroy
Demon Driven by John Conroy
Brutal Asset by John Conroy
House of Hades by Rick Riordan
Dust by Hugh Howey
Unhinged by Brigid D'Souza
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Discount Armageddon by Seanan McGuire
Fallen Stars by John Conroy
Midnight Blue-Light Special by Seanan McGuire
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Insurgent by Veronica Roth
Allegiant by Veronica Roth