Sunday, October 13, 2013

Busy weekend

We had a pretty busy weekend, but it was a good time overall.  Jaime came up to spend time with us, which is always fun.  We took her to Mystic Fest with us where I socialized with many familiar faces and hit up a bunch of vendors to get contacts for potential interest in PPD next year.  It was entertaining, but is always super draining, so Jaime and I came back to the house and took a nap.  We made supper, vegged out, and just had a good evening.   Sunday we hung around the house until late afternoon when we decided to take Orion to the Pumpkin Patch.  He always loves running around the fields to find his very own pumpkin.  He also ventured through all of the different "scary" houses and just seemed to have a good time.  He was exhausted (and filthy) by the time we got home.  I'd say it was a decent weekend for sure.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Each year, National Coming Out Day is celebrated on October 11, 2013.  This day celebrates coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or as an ally.  25 years ago, on the anniversary of the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, the first National Coming Out Day was observed.  For additional information, check out their website here!

First and foremost, it is important to me to say that I fully support this movement.  I truly believe that people should be able to live their lives however they choose, as long as it is not harmful to others.  I support a culture that is diverse and independent because no matter how hard we try, we are not all the same.  We should each be free to live our lives in a way that is honest to who we truly are without the fear of persecution.  My hope for society is that we can eventually evolve to a place that we can live without being ashamed of who we are and how we feel. While the need for some sort of conformity may be warranted (i.e. laws against murder, robbery, etc.) we should not feel so much pressure to fit a certain mold in order to feel accepted by society.  This expectation is why coming out still matters.  It's important to be able to be proud of who you are.  It may suck that we live in a society where this is still an issue...where being gay isn't just a way of life but something that has to be expressly stated because it strays from the perceived "norm"...but it is and that's why this type of celebration is important.  To show people that 1, it's ok to be who you are and 2, to build support structure around the community. 

I am fortunate enough to live a life where I typically do not have to hide who I am and I am incredibly grateful for this. I typically identify as Pansexual, where gender really isn't an issue for me whatsoever.  I also happen to be Pagan, so there are a lot of "reasons" for society to hate me...and I'm ok with that.  However, I know that for every story like mine, there are 10 others where people feel alone and struggle with their sexuality every day.  Everyone deserves to feel unconditional love and to have someone to stand beside you no matter what.  No matter who you are, please know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  No matter how scary the world may seem, or how alone you may feel, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  For every bully that harasses you and every person who criticizes you, there is an entire community full of love to stand by your side. 

Keep in mind, I'm not some big city woman spouting this message.  I grew up in a tiny town (population 300) in mid-Western Nebraska and felt the same way there that I do here.  It's ok to be who you are.  So to my Uncle, Aunts, Cousins, Friends and so many others who have taught me so much about life and myself...I am proud of who you are and blessed to have you in my life.  The world is better because you are here. For every person who has torn you down or made you feel like less of a person because you are "different," I love you a million times more.  You are strong, brave, and an inspiration.  So on that note, I will quit rambling but please matter what...YOU ARE NOT ALONE! 

SWAG--I fail at blogging.

So, I'm not sure anyone noticed, but it's been a little while since I last blogged...I realize that is a recurring theme around here.  Life is crazy busy with school, family, work, and all the extracurricular activities we have going on.  Here are some of the recent events in our lives: 

We've been hanging out in the beautiful Fontenelle Forest! 

I've also had the chance to spend some time with my family on the Peck side of the tree.  It's pretty great to have family around!

I helped organize the first ever Pagan Pride Day, which turned out fantastically! 

I also got some henna while there

I gave a workshop during PPD which had a great turn out.  Definitely out of my comfort zone so I was quite proud of myself. 

Of course we've gone to the zoo

And I went to my first ever retreat where I got to spend some time with people I love, and meet some new amazing people. 

I road tripped up there with Amanda.  It was AWESOME!

My kid still makes me laugh. 

And these lovely ladies have made my world better. 

We went on a horse & buggy ride.  It was beautiful and so much fun. 

So there you have it, a super brief run-down of some of our activities.  I wish I could say that things will be more regular around here, but I've said it before and it tends to fall apart.  I do hope to blog more frequently, but make no guarantees.  Thanks for checking it out, loving, and supporting me.  I really appreciate it more than I can express.  