Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankfulness - Day 7

The Princess Bride has been an obsession of mine for longer than I can even explain.  I've watched the movie hundreds of times (at least) and read the book more times than I remember. It feels like home, like comfort food.  On nights when I can't sleep, Inigo can always tell me a bed time story as they prepare to duel on the Cliffs of Insanity.  As you wish is one of the most romantic phrases ever spoke.  I can always judge the quality of a story by the amount of fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, and true love that it includes.  People with six fingers terrify me, and I always hope for a Miracle. I hope to someday win a battle of wits, and wish I were able to pretend to be left handed.  Not to mention, the fact that I know the meaning of the word "Inconceivable" ...or ROUSs...because I don't think they exist.    I could quote the whole movie and make one joke after another, but I should probably get to the point...

Today, I am thankful for the Princess Bride.  It may be silly, but it's something that has had a major effect on my life.  I've build relationships with people that started with this mutual interest.  I've told all the jokes, listened to others quote it, and bonded with unlikely strangers.  I've laughed with my dad, joked with my siblings, swooned over Seth, and loved every single experience.  It's the little things in life that I have learned to find great joy in.  The first book I read to my son as a tiny infant was the Princess Bride and I look forward to sharing the story with him again when he gets yeah...Thanks William Goldman.

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