Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 28 -- Thanksgiving

Today I am thankful for the incredible people that I have in my life...all those friends and family who have been present in my life and bless me each day by sharing their lives with me and allowing me to learn, laugh, and love them.  There are so many people that fall into this category that there is no way that I could ever ever name all of them.  However, today there are two men in particular that I have been so incredibly impressed with the more I have gotten to know them, so today, I am thankful for my uncles, Forrest and Troy.  We've lived close to each other for nearly a decade, but in the last few months we have started to spend time together and to get to know each other.  They make me laugh and tell me stories about the past that put a smile on my face.  I hate that we haven't started this process sooner, but I am so pleased to have these two incredible men as a part of my life.  When they invited us to spend Thanksgiving with them, none of us were really sure what to expect, but I have to say that I am so glad that we did.  We ate more food than we needed (thanks Troy!) and shared so many laughs. The way that these men treat my son is enough to just bring me to tears.  They are so kind and loving to him (and maybe spoil him a little) and I am so happy to see Orion love them as much as I do.  Forrest is so amazing with my son and watching Orion and Forrest play and wrestle around just makes me happy.

Troy and I are kindred spirits.  We can laugh and share stories and it's like we've been friends for years.  Just a look between us can send me into giggles and he just makes me feel like I'm doing things right.  His approval means the world to me, and I'm so glad that we're getting the chance to get to know each other....and be silly.

It's hard to believe that these men haven't been in my life for longer than they have.  I've grown so incredibly attached to them both, and am so impressed by how loving and welcoming they have been to me and my family.  They share their space and food with us, and have welcomed us into their homes with open arms.  When we're together, it feels the way I think family should feel, and that means the world to me.  So today, I am so thankful for these two men, and so appreciative of everything they have done to make the holiday enjoyable.  Thank you for welcoming us into your home, for feeding us, entertaining us, and showing us so much love and kindness.  There are no words to express just how much those things mean to me.  I love you both very much!!

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