Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 10 -- My Son

Day 10 -- I have put off this post, because it is incredibly difficult for me to put into words the feelings that I have, but I think it is time to try.  Today, I am thankful for my son.  Orion has changed my life in ways that I can't even explain.  From the moment I knew he existed I have changed my life drastically to be someone he can be proud of.  His smile lights up my world and brightens even the darkest corners of my heart.  His laugh is contagious. He is outgoing, polite, and incredibly intelligent.  He gives me a strength and courage that I never knew I had inside.  It's hard to believe that he is 4 years old already, but I am so grateful to have him in my life and so proud of the little boy he has grown into.  Being a mother is the greatest accomplishment of my lief.  Every day is an adventure full of laughter, dimpled smiles, sarcastic conversations, and the occasional preschool attitude.  I can only imagine what the future has in store for us.  So, Orion, I am thankful to be your mommy.  I love you very much!

The first time I held him in my arms. 

Trips to the Children's Museum.

I miss these curles!

True Love is sharing your waffle.

He's such a helper. 

Photography with stylish hats. 

Roca Berry Farms. 

I will never get enough kisses on his face. 

Lounging on the couch. 

Tree decorating.


Story Time. 

I love this smile so much and will do everything in my power to see it. 

I love my little family. 

No matter what my hair color, he loves me and is judge free. 

I hope the future holds as many laughs as our past has. 

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